Good Earth Dairy

Episode: 6
Title: Good Earth Dairy
Broadcast: July 16th 2017
Presenter: Russell Blaikie

Today we are in Yathroo, just a 2-hour drive northeast of Perth, were we sample the next big superfood from Good Earth Dairy: camel milk.

  • Camels were first introduced to Australia in the 1800s, where they were used by settlers to navigate the unforgiving terrain.
  • Having reached plague proportions within the last few decades, camels are now being caught and used for their milk.
  • The man behind WA’s camel milk movement is Stephen Geppert, proud cameleer at Good Earth Dairy.
  • Good Earth Dairy has over 130 camels at the property, most of them coming in from the wild.
  • With no natural predators, the camels are docile in nature, making domestication a walk in the park.
  • What is unique about the Dairy, is that unlike cattle dairies, the young are not removed from the mothers, and are allowed to suckle in order to kick-start the milking process.
  • According to CEO Marcel Steingiesser, camel milk is rich in nutrients, making it a healthier alternative to standard cows’ milk. With its lower lactose content, it may also be more suitable to those suffering from lactose intolerance.

Good Earth Dairy
P: 1300 CAMELS

This episode of Delish was presented to you by Buy West Eat Best

